Keter Health is Jerusalem's ONLY Mental Health Clinic offering Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy.

What is Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy?

Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) is an emerging treatment that combines ketamine, and psychotherapy to help individuals with Depression, PTSD, Anxiety and Palliative Care. Our experienced team provides individualized treatment plans to address the unique needs of each client in a safe and supportive environment.

About Our Services

Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy


Learn about Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy and how you can benefit from it!

Psychiatric Evaluation

A comprehensive psychiatric assessment conducted by a Licensed Psychiatrist

Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy Session

Facilitated by KAP Certified Therapist and KAP Certified Psychiatrist

Therapy Session

Individual Therapy session conducted by KAP Certified Therapist

At Keter Health we have

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We offer KAP for the following conditions:

  • Depression
  • PTSD (developmental trauma)
  • Anxiety
  • Palliative Care
  • Chronic Pain

We do not currently offer KAP for the following conditions
  • Uncontrolled high blood pressure
  • Certain heart conditions
  • History of severe substance abuse
  • Active psychosis or untreated bipolar disorder
  • Bipolar 1 (manic phase)
  • Pregnancy

If your condition is not listed, please feel free to contact our office for a consult. Our mission is accessible treatment, and we want to help!

Ketamine is safe 

When administered according to best practice protocols, ketamine is extremely safe. Ketamine has been around since the 60s and is on the WHO’s list of essential medicines. There are hundreds of medical journal articles testifying to its safey and efficacy. It is hard to find any medicine with a safety track record and safety profile (for adults and children) like ketamine. Ketamine is not only physically safe, but safe psychologically. Known as the “forgiving psychedelic”, there is no record of any psychological damage caused by ketamine when administered in a controlled, therapeutic environment.

Ketamine is legal

Ketamine is a legally prescribed medication. All Keter Health clients undergo a complete psych-med intake and screening process with our Psychiatrist to ensure treatment is safe and appropriate.

The term “psychedelic” carries significant cultural connotations. It originates from Latin words meaning “mind manifesting.” Many well-known psychedelics such as LSD, Peyote, Psilocybin, and Ayahuasca (DMT) work through common pathways in the brain involving serotonin receptors, specifically the 5HT-2A receptors. In contrast, Ketamine operates through the glutamate system.


Experts in the field agree that the doses of ketamine used in KAP (Ketamine-Assisted Psychoherapy) truly evoke a “mind manifesting” experience, although certain aspects of this experience, its characteristics or signature, differ. Ketamine tends to provide a more introspective experience; therefore, we utilize eye shades and music to enhance the introspective nature of the experience.

Ketamine operates on the brain’s glutamate system, much like alcohol and nitrous oxide (commonly known as laughing gas). Individuals often describe the initial effects of ketamine as resembling the relaxed state induced by a few glasses of wine or the sensations experienced during dental nitrous oxide administration. Another notable aspect that many people report is a profound and heightened connection to music, perceiving it as alive and deeply impactful.

Ketamine is a schedule III drug in the United States. Drugs in this class tend to have “very minimal potential for addiction”. However abusive and addictive behaviors with relation to the ketamine experience occur. The most common pattern is that there is a desire or preference to be in the ketamine state of awareness as opposed to our day-to-day reality.

In KAP, access to the medication is strictly controlled. We monitor for behaviors that might indicate the emergence of dependence and actively guard against it.

Generally speaking, there are very few rule outs for treament.


Hard Rule Outs

  • Schizophrenia: Immediate Family History Of

  • Pregnancy or Planned Pregnancy

  • Current Psychosis or Active Mania

  • Uncontrolled Hypertension

  • History of Ketamine or Anesthesia Reaction with or without Malignant Hypothermia

  • Acute Intoxication or Alterned Mental Status

  • Taking MAOIs

  • Mental Impairment

  • Needs Substance Abuse Treatment First


Soft Rule Outs (may accept for treatment upon consultation with other client providers)

  • Current Alcohol Dependance

  • Postpartum or Breast Feeding

  • History of Cardiac Rhythm Disturbance

  • History of Cardiac and/or Circulatory problems

  • History of Respiratory problems

  • History of Seizures

  • Liver conditions (Cirrhosis, etc)

  • Hyperthyroid

  • Renal Failure and Dialysis

  • Current Subtance Abuse Treatment

Because of its chemical properties ketamine is easy to administer using a number of different routes. In research settings it’s usually administered with an IV. We believe use of IVs medicalizes the process and interferes with the set and setting clients are trying to establish. Several of our clients have visited IV clinics and prefer KAP because of the feeling of safety and support that they receive from our KAP trained facilitators. 

At Keter Heath, we use primarily Intra-Muscular (IM) ketamine in the form of an IM injection administered by a medical professional. The first session, we administer a low dose injection, in order to see how the client will respond to the medicine. For the second session, we may administer a higher dose, which can produce a more transformative experience. The IM experience comes on in 5-7 minutes and usually has a peak experience of 15-30 minutes, and then gently curving back to a peaceful and gentle slow return. This slow return to ordinary consciousness is knows as the “long tail” and is an incredibly therapeutic part of the experience.

Our treatment philosophy revolves around utilizing minimal effective dose (MED) to achieve optimal and long-lasting outcomes. As the field of KAP (Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy) continues to evolve, we are continuously learning and refining our approach. Typically, clients embark on a series of three or four fully prepared and integrated KAP sessions, spaced out over a period of 2-6 weeks. Following each session, we assess together how you are responding to the treatment.


It’s important to note that some clients have experienced remarkable and enduring responses even after a single session. However, our standard approach involves the initial three treatments to establish a solid foundation for progress. After completing these initial sessions, clients often transition into a “maintenance” phase, where they receive one to three treatments per year. These treatments become an integral part of their mental health and wellness regimen, offering opportunities for profound personal growth and enhanced resilience with each session.

Ketamine generally has favorable interactions with most medical and psychiatric medications. However, there are a few exceptions that necessitate a temporary hold before the treatment session. Medications such as benzodiazepines, ADHD medications, or mood stabilizers like lamotrigine may diminish the effectiveness of ketamine, requiring a “day of” hold.


At Keter Heath, we prioritize the safety and well-being of our clients. As part of our comprehensive approach, every client undergoes a thorough medical intake and screening process. This includes a detailed analysis of your current medications to ensure a tailored and appropriate treatment plan. By carefully assessing your medication regimen, we can optimize the effectiveness of the ketamine treatment and ensure its compatibility with your existing medications.

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